2007年8月18日 星期六

[轉貼] S.K.I.N. show (from Yoshiki myspace)

18 Aug 2007

S.K.I.N. show

OK….. I came back to L.A. from Tokyo just 2 days before the S.K.I.N. show. I had to go to my recording studio directly from LAX airport, had some meetings regarding the movie soundtrack I've been working on, and practiced the drums for the show.

The next day we had a band rehearsal at the Long Beach Arena, but before and after that I had to go to my recording studio again (with traffic, those locations are around 2 hours apart).
So I didn't have time to sleep the night before the show.

Well I guess I should say the first S.K.I.N. Live went well, considering the minimal rehearsal time we had, and the band members did very well…..
….but my head was a little blurry….. Not because I didn't sleep a few days before the show…..

I wish I could have seen everybody's face (audience) a little more….. And I should have smashed the drum set even more…ha ha ha ha ……
I don't exactly know what I'm talking about….. but….. Well….. That was the first drum performance on stage for me since X Japan's Last Live…..

I don't know why but as soon as I started playing the drums on the stage at the Long Beach, so many memories started filling my head…..
Don't get me wrong… I was very excited playing with these amazingly brilliant members, but I started feeling a little sad, and a few times tears filled my eyes and blurred my vision….. Very strange…..
I don't think I've conquered the sadness of past X Japan memories yet…..

But at the same time I felt like I found the place to live….. Besides inside of the dark recording studio.
Being on stage….. Breathing with you….. And beating the beat along with your heartbeats…..
I don't know how long I should be, and I can be….. But I found a place again ….where I belong.

I'd like to feel the sound

I'd like to feel your breath

I'd like to feel your heartbeat

I'd like to feel your scream

More and more…..

I love you,


2007年8月8日 星期三


Copied from :Yoshiki Myspace https://myspace.com/yoshiki

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


OK…… I wrote this blog more than a month ago when I was staying in Tokyo.

I wrote it, but as soon as I finished typing, I had to start rehearsing…… and doing everything else. So I didn't have time at all.

It sounds a bit strange, but since I wrote it, I'll post it anyway.

Regarding the S.K.I.N. show and JAPAN EXPO in Paris; I'll post them separately….. Damn I spilled the water again. I must still be jetlagged AH----!


Hi everyone!

I don't know where to start. Whether it's good or bad, so many things are going on!!!

Today, maybe I'll just talk about the party after the JRock shows.

First of all, the JRock shows were very successful. Thank you so much for all your support, even to those who couldn't attend…..

To be honest, there were a lot of things to organize before the show, especially the last 3 days I barely slept…… but it was worth it, when I saw everybody smiling…. That's it, it just made me happy!!!

Well, after the night of the second show, all the tension we had through those days was released…… I mean….. Exploded!!

The night of the 26th, all the band members (MUCC, D'espairsRay, Girugamesh, Merry) who performed that day, came to my house. We were just eating and drinking…. Suddenly Yukke from MUCC asked me if he could jump into the pool….. I said "sure!"…… right after that, Tsukasa from D'espairsRay asked me if I could throw him into the pool…… I said….. Why??? Then he said that was one of his dreams…… (I thought that was a strange wish)……. I said ……. OK!!! Well…… after two Rockstars were in the pool….. I was like….. You know what …… WHY NOT!!! I jumped into the pool as well…… after I jumped….. Everyone started jumping in.

As far as I remember, it was probably around 1 or 2 A.M., and everyone jumped in with their clothes on…… I think???

We ended up drinking and swimming until 6 A.M. (I feel sorry for the neighbors because we were so loud, but that was one of the best rock & roll parties I've had in several years!!!).

These days I have a lot of things on my mind, including the issue about X-Japan's reunion. That's been driving me absolutely crazy…... if that thing happens or not….. JRock shows and the party made me realize I have a lot of fans and friends that I can share the dream with……

I'm so fortunate that I have you around…..

…… with VUK, with S.K.I.N. (actually I'm in Tokyo right now, rehearsing with the band for the show)….. and with you…..

I want to start rocking again.



Last week, I had to start producing the music for a new Hollywood movie in L.A…… (AH…… WHY NOW?!?!) Thanks to the internet and technology, I'm overseeing it here from Japan!

The day before yesterday, in the airplane on the way to Japan, I had a really weird dream….. I almost….. Well, I think I screamed!! The flight attendant came to me and said "Are you OK? ....." Then I said "THE RICE MONSTER IS TRYING TO EAT ME!!!"….. And she said……. "WHAT????" and I said……mmmm……ah……. "Never mind……ah….. Could I have a glass of Champagne and Caviar please?"

……. OH MY GOD!!!..... "I am so embarrassed"….. I've been doing a "special diet" and training, in order for me to play drums even harder….. Since then "THE RICE MONSTER" has been showing up in my dreams. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

2007年8月2日 星期四

[轉貼]Busy (from Yoshiki myspace)

Copied from: https://myspace.com/yoshiki

Current mood:busy

Hi everyone,
I'm sorry but I've been really busy.
I haven't even had the time to log on.
Well…I'll be posting a new blog and some pictures really soon!!!


2007年6月13日 星期三

[轉貼][Concert]來發toshi Shanghai live report+八卦~~怪胎文,慎入

原來Toshi那時有去海外幫那個邪教舉行音樂會,那時都已經宣佈重組X Japan,完全搞不懂他在想什麼!
當時還要用會說X Japan的花邊來吸引觀眾,唉!

轉自: 笼中蔷薇


事情要從10日早上9點起床說起。因為考慮到古北那邊吃飯惡貴,所以我早飯吃了兩個肉包子一個蛋一大杯牛奶,一大把杏仁,然後又拎著兩包格利高百醇和一大瓶每日C上路了~~~汗~~搞得和小學生春遊一樣。吃了這麼多早飯的直接後果就是我路上拉肚子了~~倒掉~~~~在淮海路上找了家KFC排乾淨後終於神清氣爽地換坐911繼續上路,沿途上接了紅雨JJ,然後一個穿X的staff衣服的男人跟在後面,我還以為她又認識這次活動的啥staff了,後來才知道又是一個他的客戶兼X freak,從北方坐了30個小時的火車過來~~~太BH了,佩服!!然後我和紅雨一路YY,從masaya的小黑屋事件一路到玉米和賤人的關係云云。特別提一下,那邊果然有錢人聚居,一路上看到無數名車,寶馬、賓士都不算啥的,還看到一輛賓士的slk系列,兩輛保時捷,兩輛法拉利~~但是那地方顯然規劃的不太好,路上都是坑坑窪窪在修路,亂七八糟發傳單、廣告的也很多,和那邊所謂的高尚社區不太符合。比起市中心那邊的社區,這邊顯得有點沒品~~~~




就在我剛剛停下來沒多久,一個戴著一副接近於crucify my love的pv裡玉米戴的那種圓鏡片墨鏡的男人上場了,因為他髮型蠻像玉米的,下巴又很像,而且也穿的很治癒~~~汗~~~再加上我近視眼,被嚇了一跳,想去年還是那樣滄桑的玉米怎麼一下子就這麼年輕了捏~~然後立馬就擔心起來我們家yoyo未來的幸福:這麼年輕的玉米,會不會已經看不上我們家已經有點小油腦肥腸的YOYO了捏~~~汗~~~正宗同人女思路,還算好這個人很快就自我介紹了。說了一些很簡單的寒暄的中文和日文,小感歎了下玉米的那把很貴的吉他,唱了兩三首歌。民謠風格的歌曲,下午聽來感覺挺好的。







恩恩~~~我真的是一個很容易被細節所感動的人呢~~~去年toshi來,初次看他的我整場live看得沒有一滴眼淚,和周圍一片的哭泣聲格格不入,還被朋友批評冷血。但是當live結束後,看到有freaks給他獻花,他彎下腰把拍完合影的一束鮮花輕輕放回地上時那已經略顯艱難而緩慢的側影,我不自禁地就趴在身邊朋友肩頭哭了。在這之前,他停留在我記憶中的動態的影像一直就還是那個97 the last live上滿場飛奔的toshi,當我前一天還在家裡看他們92 TOKYO DOME裡二十多歲青澀的模樣,第二天過來對比的就是那樣的一個側影,那些曾經閃耀的青春在歲月中無情地流逝讓人有一種深重的無力感。值得慶倖的是,這次toshi過來顯得比上次開朗很多,而且帶著已經與yo十年後再次和好的消息過來的,說起以前的事情也顯得神清氣爽不少,大家都想開了吧

之後,他有說了X重組的事情,說日本那邊都報導了,不知道中國這邊是否有消息。兩人陌路十年後,他又再次到LA和yoshiki見過面了(兩個人終於可以盡棄前嫌重新坐在一起說說話了,單就這一點就足以令我欣慰了),聽了yoshiki在hide去世時為他寫的without you,覺得很感動,所以願意來唱這首歌。還開玩笑說,他現在頭髮已經變薄變短了,已經是中年大叔了,不能再像當年那樣把金黃色的長髮全部豎起來了,他以後也大概不會再唱許多過激的歌曲了~~~恩,沒有關係。。。這次即使不是rock band也沒有關係了,只要你們願意重新在一起,只要你還願意再次唱yoshiki寫的歌,只要yoshiki可以再次為你奏響琴音。。。這樣。。。這樣就夠了。。。淚飆ing~~~~~

然後他又唱了三首歌,有一首用中文唱了一遍,好像是《想唱愛之歌》~~~雖然我一點都沒聽懂~~~汗~~~他當中有說解散之後的這幾年他在全國作為志願者陸續走訪了8000多家孤兒院、少年管教所、監獄、老人院等等的福利機構進行治癒系音樂的演出,得到了許多觀眾的支援和共鳴,特別令他感到高興的是,其中很多的老人和孩子並不是因為他是x japan的rock star的toshi才感動,而是因為單純為他的音樂所感動~~~~恩,很高興玉米你可以找到自己自信和幸福的來源



剛結束的時候,雲的一個朋友有跑到現場的鋼琴前彈endless rain,結果差點引發全場自發的大合唱,但是彈了沒幾下就被中國主辦方的一個日本staff阻止了~~~結果這個日本女人被全場怨念了




2007年5月24日 星期四

[轉貼] HOT CHOCOLATE! (copy from yoshiki myspace)

Current mood:surprised

How are you everyone?

I just have to tell you something. ...Last night after the recording, I drove by the Wiltern Theater (LA). I saw several cool looking people camping outside the venue.
It was probably around midnight….I wondered "Who's performing tomorrow?"
I then called one of my assistants to find out the schedule of the venue….. He said "Only the JRock festival is happening this week at that venue." …… Then I said "Are you serious? Are they camping out for our concert?"…..
It was already late, but I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about them…….. So..... around 3 A.M. I drove up to the venue, and brought several coffees and hot chocolates to them…..

L.A. is still very cold at night….. Also ….. I don't know I was just very shocked because the show starts on Friday. One of the guys said he'd been camping out since Monday….. COME ON!!!!! ….. I don't know what to say, but they're extremely devoted…...I guess that's Rock 'n Roll…… but I hope they don't catch a cold…..

Maybe I should bring something warm for them….. Although I have a production meeting all night tonight…… AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everything goes well for those nights, and I'll pray for everybody's health.

Love You,


2007年4月13日 星期五

[轉貼] J rock festival (Copy from Yoshiki's myspace)

Friday, April 13, 2007

J rock festival

Hi everyone!

I also wanted to thank you for the comments on the last blog regarding............. X Japan.....

I still haven't figured out what to do with this matter….. but when I decide, please know that each one of you helped me with this decision, which I really appreciate!!!

OK…… let me change the subject…….
More than a year ago, some of my friends asked me if I could organize a Japanese Rock event in America……… then I said……. OK! ..... Well that's it…… We're doing it.
When I used to live in Tokyo, I organized several rock concerts….. So this time I'm doing it in Los Angeles with several partners. ….. Some small details may change, but we have 9 bands coming from Japan and will be performing at the "Wiltern Theater" in L.A. on May 25, 26th.
(The band lineup will be:alice nine., Vidoll, Duel Jewel, Kagrra, Miyavi, DéspairsRay, Merry, Girugamesh, and MUCC.

Also, at the theater, the fourth member of the band will be announced.
I'm not performing….. but I'll be there to make sure everything rocks.

Another thing….. Last week I was asked to do another soundtrack of a new Hollywood movie…… I just finished reading the script…… this one is really, really weird, but very interesting……. Maybe I should do it…… well my managers and attorneys started negotiating with the movie studio…… hopefully everything works out!
I love what I do….. but sometimes the pressure of the schedule is intense, and stressful, because I really care about the quality of the music, no matter what project I'm involved with.

I feel like I just opened the door a little bit, that has been closed for several years after the sad incident….. Well things start flooding into it….. I guess I'm lucky…… but I'm a little tired…..
Maybe I've been working in the studio too long…… maybe I should get out and perform!!!
……..OOPS!!! I just spilled the melted chocolate ice cream on the keyboard…… AHHHHH… (to be specific: which is chocolate ice cream made of rice which my nutritionist recommended.)…..…AHHHHHHH!!!!!
…… I'm so clumsy….. Well I should go and clean my desk…. Hope to meet you soon!!!!!



PS: regarding the Jrock festival. If you'd like to know more information, please go to J rock revolution

2007年4月7日 星期六

[轉貼]Hacked (from yoshiki's myspace)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Current mood: confused

Wow, my Violet UK account got hacked….. since it's been brought to my attention, I've fixed the problem.
I just wanted to tell everyone who let me know about this;
Thank you very much for your support, and for the instructions on how to fix this problem.
Thank you, thank you!!!!!!

I love you,


2007年2月25日 星期日

[轉貼] X JAPAN (from yoshiki's myspace)

Sunday, February 25, 2007


I finally got the day off yesterday.
After the new year, I've been working and working……. I got sick, but kept recording and recording……. So I finally finished one of the projects I have been working on……. Not VUK, not yet…….

Anyway, it was a perfect day off…… I went to my studio, and interviewed several candidates for my entertainment organization, and went to dinner with several friends…… then went to see the "Dir en grey" show at the Wiltern Theater in LA.
Overall the show was great…… full of energy, and….. every time I see them perform, it makes me want to rock…… I'm doing a lot of different genres of music……. from classical to…… whatever…… but I think I really love rock. I've been playing the drums since I was 10 years old…… well, actually playing the piano since age 4 as well.

Anyway…… after the show, the entire band came to my house, and celebrated Shinya's (the drummer's) birthday party. Back then….. well, when I was producing Dir en grey, we used to hang out pretty much every day…… It was so nice to hang out with them again.
Last night we ended up drinking together until the morning,
I hope they're all OK for the show tonight.

On stage they were very charismatic, but off stage they are some of the sweetest people I know…… HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THEM!!!

Well, I haven't been producing bands or artists for a while…… because at one point I was producing almost 10 artists at the same time, and it completely burned me out…… But I may be starting again…… well before I do, I have to finish so many other things……
OK….. I'm still working on Violet UK……I think….. but for the first time in many years, I'm confident that some of these songs will be able to blow your minds away……

When I used to do X Japan's songs…… every time I finished recording….. I hated them….. I always felt that something was missing…… but finally with VUK…… You'll see!!!!!!!

And…… some people have questions about "THE BAND".
Yes, Sugizo from Luna Sea came here to LA several times last year, and last month Gackt came to town, and we both went to dinner….. pretty much just the two of us……
Actually that was really funny….. Gackt came to my house and ate dinner…… that was good….. Then I said to him "why don't we go out to dinner?". and he said "we just ate…..???" then I said "I wanna eat different food….." well .... we ate Japanese food at my house, and then ended up going out to a Japanese restaurant in LA…..
(We are very weird…. Ha, ha, ha, ha)…… but that was fun!

Yes, I'm so lucky to have them as friends, and also to be able to work with them professionally.
Sugizo and Gackt are such talented people, also having such an amazing vibe. Actually, they are all going to come here next month with one more person that I can't reveal yet.

OK, and X Japan…..
I'm like…….Why now? ..... Why, why, why……
To be honest….. it took years to conquer the pain and sadness….. maybe not yet, I still cannot listen to…… or watch X Japan's videos….. without tears…..
" MY OWN GODDAMN BAND" ….. I can't listen to it without crying…… HOW CAN I BE IN IT AGAIN? …… IT HURTS SO MUCH…… TO EVEN TALK ABOUT ...... X JAPAN…..
Yes, I can play the drums. I think I can play them even harder than before…… of course my injured neck and wrists hurt….. but SO WHAT!!! ….. I don't give a fuck about that kind of pain…..
But mentally….. I don't know if I can take it….. I'm not saying if I'll do it or not….. I talked to Toshi (vocalist)……. He called me almost towards the end of last year….. for the first time since we went our separate ways……….
Toshi and I..... we grew up together…........ I don't know ….. I don't know…. I don't …… know …….

Yes, there are lyrics of the song "WITHOUT YOU" ….. That, I wrote, right after Hide's death….. also, I had to do so many takes of piano recording, because of the tears falling down and flooding the piano keys, and my fingers kept slipping again and again.
If there's somebody to sing this song ….. I think it should be Toshi….. but …… I don't know….. I don't know….. I don't fucking know….. It's too painful to……
I'm sorry, I don't want to make you feel depressed or anything like that….. but so many people have been asking me about this, so I had to say something…… just let me….. have…… a little more time……

I love you all.


2007年1月24日 星期三

[Japanese TV Show] BariBari Value (中文字幕)--Guest Yoshiki


2007.1.24 (待核實)
