Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Xmas
Hi everyone,
I just got back from Miami....Well it's been a really busy month..... I went to Tokyo first and had some meetings and did a TV show.
I came back here to LA and did another TV show, then went to Miami.......
It was really nice out there, but I didn't go to the beach or anything…..... I went to the hospital, not that I'm sick, but I've been doing some research about the relationship between music and the human brain.
For example: when I was in Miami I played the piano in front of mental patients…. to see if the music could help their mental states…. well I'll be doing this research for a while collaborating with hospitals and universities. I'll let you know more in the future.
Anyway, it's almost the end of the year.
This year............ one of the biggest pieces of news for me is that I found out I have fans outside of Japan…. I visited some countries before, and met some fans at the airport, but I didn't know I have fans in that many countries…. I really don't know what to say…. how lucky I am....
Also early this year ........ my Japanese management office sent me almost 10,000 pages of paper…. I was like "What are those?"…. usually I get a lot of contracts, because I'm under contract with several different record companies, but those were not contracts for me to sign…. those were petitions from Taiwan, and all the letters said "Yoshiki please come to Taiwan"…... Wow ........ then on My space…. I just uploaded some songs for my friend in New York who works in the music industry, to get his opinion of my compositions…. then for some reason it spread, and still is. It's been very strange in a good way.
Then I started writing a blog, which I'm not good at…. but some people responded to it with such sweet messages…. even though I get hate mail sometimes, asking why I'm not responding to their mail….......... well….......... very cute! …...... and I still love you!!
It sounds like a one way street, but it's not…. I may not be able to respond with mail, but your feelings are always affecting my musical compositions…. eventually I will respond to all of you with my music.
I might have said before, when you're recording every day for a long time and pretty much shutting out everything from the outside world…. you start losing your sense of reality, and your mind starts drifting to the depth of the strange ocean of thoughts.
You start thinking of the meaning of life.... or start losing the meaning of who you are, even the meaning of your existence…. Well I secluded myself intentionally from the outside…. but I was on the edge….
Again, thank you very much for being there….
No matter what, I'll come back as an artist and start performing next year!!!
Yes, today is Christmas…. I'm alone at my studio…. But I'm OK, I wanted to keep recording…. So next year I can deliver the Violet UK album, and many more…. Then I can start touring the world…. I can't wait to meet you in person!!!!
It's cold in LA…. God! It was so cold in Japan…. Please take care and don't catch a cold.
And, I wish you a merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Of course I have to mention the dish I ate in Miami… what was the name?.... I think it's called STONE CRAB.... "Not Stoned Crab"... they only take one claw and let them go back to the ocean....... anyway that was so yummy, I couldn't resist.... but I didn't eat strawberry cake at the restaurant, even though I wanted to...........see!... I listened to you a little! (I was fine with the crab, maybe I'm not allergic to them anymore. Hopefully strawberries too!) bye bye!